Gang Prevention Program Matrix

The Gang Prevention and Intervention Program Matrix is a strategic planning tool to support the development of a collaborative, comprehensive approach to prevent youth involvement in gangs. It is designed to gather information on agencies, programs, services and best practices that build protective factors around children and young people that enable them to resist gang involvement and that promote positive healthy development. By working collaboratively to build positive relationships and patterns of interaction with children and young people, creating positive social environments and developing social and economic polices that support positive youth development, we can help young people resist gang involvement and work toward realizing their potential as family members, friends, neighbours, co-workers and citizens.

The issues surrounding gangs are too complex for any one organization or group to address alone. We invite you share information about the programs and services you are providing to support children and young people and create the conditions within our families, schools, and neighbourhoods to create a community free of gang violence.

The matrix consists of three interrelated parts that are described below.

Community Resource Inventory
Allows the user to record information about their agency, programs and services that can be incorporated into a collaborative comprehensive approach to youth involvement in gangs. In particular the community resource inventory is designed to identify agencies, programs and services that are building protective factors around young people in four domains: individual, family, school and community. These protective factors and domains are drawn from the CSGV Risk and Protective Factor Framework that was developed by combining research associated with risk taking behaviour such as gang involvement, substance abuse, and violence with research on developmental assets and resiliency.

To record information about your agency, programs and services click Create an Account and fill in the templates to guide the collection and inputting of information. If you have information stored on The Support Network you can retrieve information by clicking on the link provided in the template.

Once you have created an account you will be provided with a secure password and your information will be loaded onto the Matrix. You will then be able to update and edit your information as the need arises.

Searchable Data Base
Allows the user to access a database containing, information about agencies programs and services that are building protective factors in the four domains: individual, family, school and community. The data base provides contact information, target group, access to the service and the particular asset or assets the program addresses. Information can be retrieved by agency, program, developmental asset or asset domain.

Program Matrix
Allows users to view the type and range of asset-based services available in the community. Drawing from all records this feature provides a matrix of all available programs, cross-tabulated by asset, domain and age. The matrix can show at a glance how a particular program or service fits into a comprehensive approach, and allows users to identify over-laps and linkages between services and gaps in service.